Formatting text

Follow these procedures to change the font, size, color, and other text properties.

You can use the Toolbar or Text Properties dialog box for formatting. The Text Properties dialog box lets you do all of the same formatting as the Toolbar, as well as providing more extensive formatting options.

To format text:

Label Creator lc workingwithtext.4.3.1 Formatting text
Label Creator bullet 15pt square Formatting text
Right-click the text, and select Properties to open the Text Properties dialog box.

To apply effects do one of the following:.

Label Creator bullet 16pt circle Formatting text

Select the check box for Bold, Italics or Underline.

Label Creator bullet 16pt circle Formatting text

Select the check box for Shadow, Text Color, Fill Color, or Transparency

Label Creator bullet 16pt circle Formatting text

Select the check box for Straight, Curved, or Flow Text text.

Label Creator bullet 16pt circle Formatting text

Select the check box for Align Left, Align Right, or Center Text

To rotate the text:

Label Creator bullet 16pt circle Formatting text

For curved or flowed text, select Clockwise or Counterclockwise.

To apply 3-dimensional text effects:

Click Outline Color and choose a color.
Click Fill Color and choose a color, and then use the slider to set the degree of transparency.
Click Border Color and choose a color, use the slider to set the degree of transparency, and then click Thickness and choose the border thickness.

To apply formatting to all text on the layout:

Label Creator bullet 16pt circle Formatting text

Select the Apply the current font to all Text Objects check box.

To change the text:

Label Creator bullet 16pt circle Formatting text

Click Edit Text button, and then type new text.

See also: 

Formatting text